RADIX COFFEE - The World's PREMIUM Healthiest Coffee!
With every single one of you in mind, Radix Coffee House launched with the goal of creating the world’s healthiest coffee. The coffee had to be certified organic, fair trade coffee that EVERYONE (even people with the most sensitive systems) could drink without experiencing digestive problems, energy crashes, or long-term health consequences.The winning combination is Radix Coffee’s top-of-the-line beans mixed with 7 selected natural herbs. Our premium coffee beans work synergistically with the 7 selected natural herbs to produce the most nutritious and delicious coffee on the planet! No other coffee company comes even close to what Radix Coffee House is doing.
Just UNIQUE and DELICIOUS taste like no other coffee in its class.
Radix Coffee
Example Product Title $19.99
Example Product Title $19.99
Example Product Title $19.99
Example Product Title $19.99
What Is Black Radix Coffee?
BLACK RADIX COFFEE is a premium instant coffee blend made only with the finest beans from an eco-friendly plantations. Infused with BLACK TONGKAT ALI (polyalthia bullata) root extract, the most powerful variety of Tongkat Ali, Black Radix Coffee helps you to always perform at your best.
It's also enriched with six other natural herbs such as teja lawang (cinnamon iners), larak (polyalthia hypoleuca), halban (vitex pubescen), tebu gajah (albizzia myriophyla), mata pelanduk (ardisia crispa) and mengkudu hutan (morinda elliptica) for extra health benefits.
You're guaranteed to feel ENERGIZED and STIMULATED after consuming this exotic drink.
Black Tongkat Ali (Polyalthia Bullata) reigns as the MOST EXPENSIVE variety of Tongkat Ali as it is the RAREST and has MORE POTENT medicinal values. Its healing efficacy is much better than Yellow Tongkat Ali and is the best in IMPROVING ENERGY STATUS and SEX DRIVE for male and female.
Tongkat Ali is known as Malaysia national treasure, a native therapeutic herb that is highly valued by international pharmaceutical industry, and sells well in worldwide. EFFECTS: Stimulate secretion of male hormones. Promote muscle growth, improve body immune system. Relieve fatigue, restore energy, and improve male sexual performance. SIDE EFFECTS: Does not contain any hormones, stimulants; Natural ingredients, SAFE TO USE and FREE from any side effects. It has been hailed as “Viagra from the Rainforest”.
TEJA LAWANG (Cinnamomum Iners)
The medicinal uses of this herb are many. It is used to improve digestion and also to provide relief from many digestive disorders such as diarrhea, flatulence, and nausea.
Studies have shown that cinnamon has the ability to regulate blood sugar and this property makes it useful as an herbal treatment for diabetes.
It also reduces levels of triglyceride, LDL cholesterol and the total cholesterol. It is also effective in eradicating yeast infections that have become immune to other medications. Consumption of cinnamon generates warmth in the system and as such is useful for people who have cold feet and hands.